Farmer taking cows through village after milking, past cars in mist with bicycle. [Walter Newcombe herding cows along a misty road in Sheepwash after milking them. He is also pushing a bicycle.]
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One comment on “Untitled

  1. newcombeofsheepwash on

    This picture of my father was taken as he was about to put his cows in one of the fields at a place which in proper English is called “Common Head”, although a non-local could never have worked it out from the words as we spoke them then. It is where Windsor Lane meets the road from Swardicott Cross to the village.

    My father started his small farm when he returned from fighting in the war (including being at Imphal and Kohima) against the Japanese in Asia. That included, with my mother’s help, delivering milk around the village. He was also one of the two part time village postmen, which helped supplement the meagre income from farming. At the time this picture was taken he had been ill with Shingles, probably brought on by the loss of his job, as the Post Office move to van deliveries caused the demise of the village postman on his bicycle.

    My father even when retired walked every day out to this spot. He was born in Sheepwash, and apart from the war years, spent his entire life there, as had his father and grandfather before him, and now rests in the churchyard.
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