Lost sheep in a lane by James Ravilious

Lost sheep in a lane

James Ravilious - June 1982

Ivy Badcock in her kitchen by James Ravilious

Ivy Badcock in her kitchen

James Ravilious - November 1974

Filling sacks with apples by James Ravilious

Filling sacks with apples

James Ravilious - November 1986

Eileen Squire setting up stooks

Eileen Squire setting up stooks, Chapple Farm

James Ravilious - August 1982

Lloyd Mitchell preparing vegetables for the flower show by James Ravilious

Lloyd Mitchell preparing vegetables for the flower show

James Ravilious - August 1982

Holidaymakers watching rough seas across the bay by James Ravilious

Holidaymakers watching rough seas across the bay

James Ravilious - August 1982

Evening landscape by James Ravilious

Evening landscape

James Ravilious - September 1982

Farm interior near Hatherleigh by James Ravilious

Farm interior near Hatherleigh

James Ravilious - April 1976

Victory parade with town band to celebrate winning the football cup by James Ravilious

Victory parade with town band to celebrate winning the football cup

James Ravilious - 15 May 1976

Evelyn Folland arranging flowers by James Ravilious

Evelyn Folland arranging flowers

James Ravilious - September 1982

Reg Chamings at Bridgetown, near Iddesleigh

James Ravilious - December 1976

Cake stall at the Church Bazaar by James Ravilious

Cake stall at the Church Bazaar

James Ravilious - 4 December 1974

Viewing household linen at a sale by James Ravilious

Viewing household linen at a sale

James Ravilious - July 1982

Village square by James Ravilious

Village square

James Ravilious - February 1987

Paul and Diane Foggo

Paul and Diane Foggo, auctioneers, selling china

James Ravilious - July 1982

Joyce Crocker plucking Christmas turkeys by James Ravilious

Joyce Crocker plucking Christmas turkeys

James Ravilious - 17 December 1974

Girdling the church by James Ravilious

Girdling the church

James Ravilious - 27 May 1976

The Kitchen garden by James Ravilious

The Kitchen garden

James Ravilious - May 1983

Dick Smith shearing by James Ravilious

Dick Smith shearing

James Ravilious - June 1987

Christmas turkeys by James Ravilious

Christmas turkeys

James Ravilious - 17 December 1974

Oak woods near Beaford by James Ravilious

Oak woods near Beaford

James Ravilious - October 1979